Important Full Forms List I related to all categories like Academic and Science, Business, Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, Internet, Miscellaneous, Regional, Medical, Sports and International with hundreds of subcategories with described abbreviations with Full Forms list.
Important Full Forms List A To Z

Important Full Forms List I
I/O | Input/Output |
IAAF | International Association of Athletics Federations |
IAAI | International Airport Authority of India |
IAAS | Indian Audit and Accounts Service |
IABF | Indian Amateur Boxing Federation |
IADB | Inter-American Development Bank |
IADF | International Agricultural Development Fund |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAF | Indian Air Force |
IAG | Interactive Advertising Guidelines |
IAM | Identity and Access Management |
IAMC | Indian Army Medical Corps |
IAMS | Intelligent Asset Management System |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
IARI | Indian Agricultural Research Institute |
IAS | Indian Administrative Service |
IAST | International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IATT | Inland Air Travel Tax |
IBA | Indian Banks Association |
IBBI | Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India |
IBEF | India Brand Equity Foundation |
IBEX | Interstellar Boundary Explorer Mission |
IBF | Indian Boxing Federation |
IBMDP | Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Programme |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
IBS | International Banking Statistics |
IBSF | International Billiards and Snooker Federation |
IBU | International Banking Unit |
IC | Integrated Circuit |
IC. Eng | Internal Combustion Engine |
ICAI | Institute of Chartered Accountants of India |
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
ICAR | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
ICAS | Indian Civil Accounts Service |
ICB | Independent Customer Builds |
ICBC | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China |
ICBM | Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile |
ICCR | Indian Council of Cultural Relations |
ICCW | Indian Council for Child Welfare |
ICD | Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) |
ICDO | International Civil Defence Organization |
ICDS | Integrated Child Development Service |
ICFB | India Chess Federation for the Blind |
ICG | Indian Coast Guard |
ICHR | Indian Council for Historical Research |
ICJ | International Court of Justice (with Headquarters at the Hague) |
ICL | Indian Cricket League |
ICLS | Indian Corporate Law Service |
ICM | Ignition Control Module |
ICMR | Indian Council of Medical Research |
ICO | Incumbent Cable Operator |
ICOR | Incremental Capital Output Ratio |
ICPA | Indian Cricket Players’ Association |
ICPC | International Centre for the Prevention of Crime |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
ICS | Internet Connection Sharing |
ICSE | Indian Certificate of Secondary Education |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit |
ID | Identity Document |
IDA | International Development Association |
IDAS | Indian Defence Accounts Service |
IDBI | Industrial Development Bank of India |
IDD | Industrial Development Department |
IDEN | Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network |
IDES | Indian Defence Estates Service |
IDR | Indian Depository Receipts |
IDRBT | Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System |
IDSA | Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis |
IDT | Integrated Digital Terminal |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IELTS | International English Language Testing System |
IEPF | Investors Education and Protection Fund |
IES | Indian Economic Service |
IESE | Indian Economic Service Examination |
IEST | The Indian Economic Service Technology |
IEX | Indian Energy Exchange |
IF | Intermediate Frequency |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development |
IFAF | International Federation of American Football |
IFB | Indian Fine Blank |
IFG | International Gymnastics Federation |
IFI | International Financial Institutions |
IFR | Investment Fluctuation Reserve |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standard |
IFS | Indian Foreign Service |
IFSC | Indian Financial System Code |
IFTU | International Federation of Trade Unions |
IFWJ | Indian Federation of Working Journalists |
IGAD | Inter-Governmental Authority on Development |
IGF | International Golf Federation |
IGLS | Iterative Generalized Least Squares |
IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol |
IGNOU | Indira Gandhi National Open University |
IGP | Interior Gateway Protocol |
IGRP | Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
IGST | Integrated Goods and Services Tax |
IHAI | Ice Hockey Association of India |
IHP | Indicated Horse Power |
IHV | Independent Hardware Vendor |
IIBF | Indian Institute of Banking and Finance |
IIBI | Industrial Investment Bank of India |
IICRA | Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency |
IIFT | Indian Institute of Foreign Trade |
IIHF | International Ice Hockey Federation |
IIHM | International Institute of Hotel Management |
IIM | Indian Institute of Management |
IIOP | Internet Inter-ORB Protocol |
IIP | Index of Industrial Production |
IIPA | Indian Institute of Public Administration |
IIS | Internet Information Services |
IISS | International Institute of Strategic Studies |
IISWBM | Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management |
IIT | Indian Institutes of Technology |
IJF | International Judo Federation |
IKE | Internet Key Exchange |
IKR | I know, Right? |
IL&FS | Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services |
ILEC | Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier |
ILO | International Labour Organisation |
IMA | Indian Military Academy |
IMAO | In My Arrogant Opinion |
IMDb | Internet Movie Database |
IMEP | Indicated Mean Effective Pressure |
IMET | International Military Education Training Programme |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMN | Intelligent Mobile Network |
IMO | International Maritime Organisation |
IMPS | Immediate Payment Service |
IMRB | Indian Market Research Bureau |
IMS | Integrated Management Systems |
IMSI | International Mobile Subscriber Identity |
IMSO | International Mobile Satellite Organization |
IMT | Instant Money Transfer |
IN | Indian Navy; Intelligent Network |
INA | Indian National Army |
INC | Indian National Congress |
IND | India’s Nuclear Doctrine |
INDIA | No, but can be termed as Independent National Democratic Intelligent Area |
INDP | Inter-Nationalist Democratic Party |
INDU | Indian National Defence University |
INK | International Newspaper Kiosks |
INLD | Indian National Lok Dal |
INLF | Indian National Lacrosse Federation |
INLP | Indian National Labour Party |
INMARSAT | International Maritime Satellite Organisation |
INMAS | Institute of Nuclear Medicines and Allied Sciences |
INS | Indian Naval Ship; Indian Newspaper Society |
INSAS | Indian Small Arms System |
INSAT | Indian National Satellite |
INTERNET | Interconnected Network |
INTERPOL | International Police Organisation |
INTUC | Indian National Trade Union Congress |
IOA | Indian Olympic Associate |
IOB | Indian Overseas Bank |
IOC | International Olympic Committee |
IOFS | Indian Ordnance Factories Service |
IOPS | Input/output Operations Per Second |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPAT | Internet Protocol Access Terminal |
IPC | Indian Penal Code |
IPCC | Integrated Professional Competence Course |
IPCONFIG | Internet Protocol Configuration |
IPDR | Internet Protocol Detail Record |
IPDT | Internet Protocol Digital Terminal |
IPE | Industrial Production Engineering |
IPEC | International Programme on Elimination of Child Labour |
IPFT | Indigenous People Front of Tripura |
IPG | Interactive Program Guide |
IPL | Indian Premier League |
IPMP | Intellectual Property Management and Protection |
IPP | Internet Printing Protocol |
IPPB | India Post Payments Bank |
IPR | Intellectual Property Right |
IPS | Indian Police Service; Indian Postal Service |
IPSEC | Internet Protocol Security |
IPTA | Internet Protocol Transport Agreement |
IPTV | Internet Protocol Television |
IPU | Inter-Parliamentary Union |
IPV4 | Internet Protocol Version 4 |
IPV6 | Internet Protocol Version 6 |
IPX/SPX | Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange |
IQ | Intelligence Quotient |
IR | Infra-red |
IRA | Insurance Regulatory Authority |
IRAS | Indian Railway Accounts Service |
IRB | Institutional Review Board |
IRBI | Industrial Reconstruction Bank Of India |
IRBM | Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat |
IrDA | Infrared DATA Association |
IREP | Integrated Rural Energy Planning |
IRFU | Indian Rugby Football Union |
IRMA | Institute of Rural Management Anand |
IRPS | Indian Railway Personnel Service |
IRQ | Interrupt Request |
IRR | Internal Rate of Return |
IRS | Indian Remote Sensing Satellite; Indian Revenue Service |
IRTS | Indian Railway Traffic Service |
IS | Indian Services |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture |
ISAF | International Stabilization and Assistance Force (in Afghanistan) |
ISC | Inter-State Council |
ISCS | Integrated Smart Card System |
ISCSI | Internet Small Computer Storage Interface |
ISD | International Subscriber Dialled (telephone) |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISEET | Indian Science Engineering Eligibility Test |
ISF | International Snowboard Federation |
ISFC | Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption |
ISH | Information Super Highway |
ISI | Indian Standards Institute |
ISIC | International Standard Industrial Classification |
ISKCON | International Society for Krishna Consciousness |
ISMS | Integrated Service Management System |
ISO | International Standardisation Organisation |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
ISR | Interrupt Service Routine |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organisation |
ISS | International Space Station |
ISSF | International Shooting Sport Federation |
IST | Indian Standard Time |
ISTP | Internet Signaling Transport Protocol |
ISTRAC | ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network |
ISU | International Skating Union |
ISV | Independent Software Vendor |
IT | Information Technology |
ITBP | Indo-Tibetan Border Police |
ITDC | Indian Tourism Development Corporation |
ITER | International Thermonuclear Experiment Reactor |
ITF | International Tennis Federation |
ITHF | International Table Hockey Federation |
ITIL | Information Technology Infrastructure Library |
ITO | International Trade Organisation; Income-tax Officer |
ITP | Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura |
ITRS | International Transaction Reporting System |
ITSO | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
ITTF | International Table Tennis Federation |
ITU | International Tele-communication Union |
IUC | Interconnect User Charge |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature |
IUML | Indian Union Muslim League |
IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
IVB | ING Vysya Bank |
IVCS | Integrated Vehicle Control System |
IVF | IN Vitro Fertilization |
IVRS | Interactive Voice Response System |
IVSC | Integrated Vehicle Speed Control |
IWF | International Weightlifting Federation |