Important Full Forms List D related to all categories like Academic and Science, Business, Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, Internet, Miscellaneous, Regional, Medical, Sports and International with hundreds of subcategories with described abbreviations with Full Forms list.
Important Full Forms List A To Z

Important Full Forms List D
D. Litt. | Doctor of Literature / Doctor of Letters |
D. Sc | Doctor of Science |
DA | Dearness Allowance; Daily Allowance |
DAC | Discretionary Access Control |
DAMPS | Digital Advance Mobile Phone Service |
DAO | Data Access Objects |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DAS | Direct Attached Storage |
DAST | Dynamic Application Security Testing |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
DATE | Duly Authorized Telecommunications Entity |
DAVP | Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity |
DB | Dena Bank |
DB-25 | Serial Communications D-Shell Connector, 25 Pins |
DB-9 | 9 Pin D Shell Connector |
DBA | Database Administrator |
DBMS | Database Management System |
DBOD | Department of Banking Operations and Development |
DBPSK | Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying |
DBSN | Database Source Name |
DC | Deputy Commissioner; Direct Current in Electricity |
DCB | Development Credit Bank |
DCC | Data Communication Channel |
DCCB | District Central Co-operative Bank |
DCD | Downstream Channel Descriptor |
DCE | Distributed Computing Environment |
DCF | Dispersion Compensating Fiber |
DCL | Digital Command Language |
DCME | Digital Compressed Multiplication Equipment |
DCP | Device Control Protocol |
DCR | Digital Cable Ready |
DCS | Digital Cross-connect System |
DCT | Digital Communications (Cable) Terminal |
DDIS | Direct Diesel Injection System |
DDL | Data Definition Language |
DDOS | Distributed Denial Of Service |
DDR-SDRAM | Double Data Rate – Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory |
DDT | Dichloro-Diphenyl Trichloro-ethane (disinfectant) |
DEAF | Depositor Education and Awareness Fund |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation |
DENI | Digital Entertainment Networking Initiative |
dep | Deposit |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DFAST | Dynamic Feedback Arrangement Scrambling Technique |
DFB | Distributed Feedback |
DFS | Distributed File System |
DGI | Direct Gasoline Injection |
DGP | Director General of Police |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DHEI | Digi-Cable Headend Expansion Interface |
DHL | Dalsey Hillblom Lynn |
DHT | Dihydrotestosterone |
DHWG | Digital Home Working Group |
DI. Eng | Direct Injection Engine |
DICoR | Direct Injection Common Rail |
DID | Direct Inward Dialing |
DIMM | Dual Inline Memory Module |
DIN | Director Information Number |
DIP | Dual Inline Package |
DIVX | Digital Video Express |
DJ | Disc Jockey |
DJD | Degenerative Joint Disease |
DLCI | Data Link Connection Identifier |
DLNA | Digital Living Network Alliance |
DLT | Digital Linear Tape |
DM | District Magistrate; Deputy Minister |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DMC | Dual Modem Cards |
DMCA | Digital Millennium Copyright Act |
DMDK | Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam |
DMH | Degraded Modem Hours |
DMIC | Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor |
DMK | Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (a regional political party of Tamil Nadu) |
DML | Data Manipulation Language |
DMRL | Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory |
DMS | Database Migration Service |
DMV | Department of Motor Vehicles |
DNA | de-oxyribonucleic acid |
DNB | Diplomate of National Board |
DNCS | Digital Network Control System |
DNS | Domain Name System |
DO | Demi-official (letter) |
Doc | Document (Microsoft Corporation) |
DOD | Department of Ocean Development |
DOEACC | Department Of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Course |
DOHC | Double Over Head Camshaft |
DOP | Director of photography |
DP | Display Picture & Data Processing |
DPCM | Differential Pulse Code Modulator |
DPEP | District Primary Education Programme |
DPG | Deferred Payment Guarantee |
DPI | Dots Per Inch |
DPMS | Display Power Management Signaling |
DPN | Demand Promissory Note |
DPON | Deep-fiber Passive Optical Network |
DPP | Delhi Poorvanchal Party |
DPSK | Differential Phase Shift Keying |
DPT | Dynamic Packet Transport |
DQL | Data Query Language |
Dr. | Doctor |
DRAM | Dynamic Random Access Memory |
DRAT | Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal |
DRDA | Distributed Relational Database Architecture |
DRDO | Defence Research and Development Organisation |
DRES | Department of Renewable Energy Sources |
DRI | Differential Rate of Interest |
DRM | Digital Rights Management |
DS Group | Dharampal Satyapal Group |
DSBB | Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board |
DSC | Digital Signature Certificate |
DSCC | Distance Sensing Cruise Control |
DSCP | Differentiated Service Code Point |
DSCR | Debt Service Coverage Ratio |
DSHD | Double Sided High Density |
DSL | Digital Subscriber Line |
DSLR | Digital Single-Lens Reflex |
DSP | Deputy Superintendent of Police |
DSS | Direct Satellite Services |
DSSS | Direct Sequencing Spread Spectrum |
DST | Daylight Saving Time |
DSU | Dispute Settlement Understanding |
DTA | Data Transfer Adapter |
DTAA | Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement |
DTC | Digital Traffic Channel |
DTCP | Digital Transmission Content Protection |
DTH | Direct to Home (broadcasting) |
DTMF | Dual Tone Multiple Frequency |
DTR | Data Terminal Ready |
DTS | Digital Theater System |
DTSI | Digital Twin Spark Ignition |
DUMET | Delhi University Medical-Dental Entrance Test |
DUN | Dial-Up Networking |
DUT | Device Under Test |
DVB | Digital Video Broadcast |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disc |
DVD-R | Digital Video Disc-Recordable |
DVD-RAM | Digital Versatile Disk – Random Access Memory |
DVD-ROM | Digital Video Disc-Read Only Memory |
DVD-RW | Digital Video Disc-Rewritable |
DVE | Digital Video Effects |
DVP | Delivery Versus Payment |
DVR | Digital Video Recorder |
DVS | Digital Video Standard |
DVT | Deep Vein Thrombosis |
DWDM | Dense Wavelength Division Multiplex |