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HomeFULL FORMS A TO ZImportant Full Forms List G

Important Full Forms List G

Important Full Forms List G related to all categories like Academic and Science, Business, Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, Internet, Miscellaneous, Regional, Medical, Sports and International with hundreds of subcategories with described abbreviations with Full Forms list.

Important Full Forms List A To Z

Important Full Forms List G

Important Full Forms List G

GAAGeography Admissions Assessment
GAARGeneral Anti Avoidance Rule
GAGAN GPS-aided Geo-augmented Navigation
GAIL Gas Authority of India Limited
GAIN Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
GAMSATGraduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GBPGreat Britain Pound
GCA General Currency Area
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
GCM Greatest Common Measure
GCRGroup Code Recording
GDRGlobal Depositary Receipt
GEF Global Environment Fund
GEOGeostationary Earth Orbit
GFDGross Fiscal Deficit
GFPGoa Forward Party
GFRGlomerular Filtration Rate
GFSGovernment Finance Statistics
GHQ General Headquarters
GIC General Insurance Corporation
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
GIGOGarbage In Garbage Out
GIROGovernment Internal Revenue Order
GIST Graphics and Intelligence-based Script Technology
GLSGeneralized Least Squares
GMATGraduate Management Admission Test
GMPS Global Mobile Personal Communications System
GMRGrandhi Mallikarjuna Rao (Group )
GMRSGeneral Mobile Radio Service
GMRT Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope
GMSGold Monetization Scheme
GMSKGaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GNIEGovernment Not Included Elsewhere
GNMGeneral Nursing and Midwifery
GNP Gross National Product
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GOC General Officer Commanding
GoIGovernment of India
GPGraphics port
GPATGraduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test
GPDGross Primary Deficit
GPLGeneral Public License
GPO General Post Office
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
GRAGlobal Research Alliance
GRMGlobal Resource Manager
GRSEGarden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers
GSLV Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
GSNGPRS Support Node
GSP Generalised Special Preferences
GSRMGlobal System Resource Manager
GST Goods and Service Tax
GSTP Global System of Trade Preferences
GTTGlucose Tolerance Test
GUIGraphical USer Interface
GVRPGARP VLAN Registration Protocol
GVWGross Vehicle Weight
GWCGate-Way Controller
GWPGlobal Warming Potential
Ashok Chandra
Ashok Chandra
Hi, I am Ashok Chandra a Blogger by passion from Delhi. During the past 3 years of professional writing, I am writing on the following topics: Blogging, Google AdSense, How To Tutorial, Technology, Tips & Tricks & much more.


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