Important Full Forms List N related to all categories like Academic and Science, Business, Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, Internet, Miscellaneous, Regional, Medical, Sports and International with hundreds of subcategories with described abbreviations with Full Forms list.
Important Full Forms List A To Z

Important Full Forms List N
NAA | National Airport Authority |
NAAC | National Assessment and Accreditation Council |
NAB | National Australia Bank |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. (It helps rural development by providing re-finance facility). |
NABH | National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers |
NAC | Network Access Control |
NACH | National Automated Clearing House Payment Solution |
NACIL | National Aviation Company of India Ltd |
NACP | National Aids Control Program |
NADA | National Anti-Doping Agency |
NAEP | National Adult Education Programme |
NAFED | National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd |
NAFTA | North America Free Trade Agreement |
NAG | National Air Guard |
NAIO | Non-Administratively Independent Office |
NAM | Non-aligned Movement |
NAMA | Non-Agriculture Market Access |
NAP | Network Access Protection |
NAPT | Network Address and Protocol Translation |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (of the U.S.A.) |
NASCAR | National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing |
NASDAQ | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation |
NASSCOM | National Association of Software and Services Companies |
NATA | Natural Aptitude Test for Architecture |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NB | Nota bene; note well, or take notice |
NBA | National Basketball Association |
NCA | Nuclear Command Authority |
NCAA | National Collegiate Athletic Association |
NCAER | National Council of Applied Economic Research |
NCBI | National Center for Biotechnology Information |
NCC | National Cadet Corps |
NCDC | National Cooperative Development Corporation |
NCEP | National Committee on Environmental Planning |
NCERT | National Council of Education Research and Training |
NCHER | National Commission for Higher Education and Research |
NCM | Nuclear-armed Cruise Missiles |
NCND | Non-Circumvent and Non-Disclosure |
NCP | Nationalist Congress Party |
NCPCR | National Commission for Protection of Child Rights |
NCR | National Capital Region |
NCS | National Career Service |
NCVT | National Council for Vocational Training |
NDA | National Defence Academy; National Democratic Alliance |
NDANAE | National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination |
NDC | National Development Council |
NDE | Network Dimensioning Engine |
NDMH | Non-Degraded Modem Hours |
NDNC | National Do Not Call (Registry) |
NDPP | Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party |
NDPS | Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances |
NDRF | National Disaster Response Force |
NDRTC | Nobo Diganto Road Transport Corporation |
NDS | Negotiated Dealing Systems |
NDTL | National Dope Testing Laboratory |
NDTV | New Delhi Television |
NDVR | Network Digital Video Recording |
NEBS | Network Equipment Building System |
NECS | National Electronic Clearing System |
NEDB | North-Eastern Development Bank |
NEER | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate |
NEFT | National Electronic Funds Transfer |
NeGP | National e-governance Plan |
NELP | New Exploration Licensing policy |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufactures Association |
NEMS | Network Element Management System |
NEP | National Education Policy |
NEPA | National Environment Protection Authority |
NEST | National Entrance Screening Test |
NetBEUI | Networked Basic Input/Output System Extended User Interface |
NetBIOS | Networked Basic Input/Output System |
NEWS | North East West South |
NFA | Non-Foreign Exchange Assets |
NFC | Near Field Communication |
NFI | Netball Federation of India |
NFL | National Football League |
NFO | New Fund Offers |
NFS | Network File System |
NGNA | Next Generation Network Architecture |
NGV | Natural Gas Vehicle |
NHAI | National Highways Authority of India |
NHB | National Housing Bank |
NHDP | National Highways Development Project |
NHL | National Hockey League |
NHRC | National Human Rights Commission |
NHTSA | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
NIB | Nordic Investment Bank |
NIC | Network Interface Card |
NiCd | Nickel Cadmium |
NICNET | National Informatics Centre Network |
NID | Network Interface Device |
NIF | Note Issuance Facility |
NIFT | National Institute of Fashion Technology |
NIIT | National Institute of Information Technology |
NiMH | Nickel Metal Hydride |
NIO | National Institute of Oceanography |
NIS | National Institute of Sports |
NIT | National Institute of Technology |
NIU | Network Interface Unit |
NLI | Not Logged In Or Natural Language Interface |
NLM | National Library of Medicine |
NLMA | National Literacy Mission Authority |
NLX | New Low-Profile Extended |
NMAT | Narsee Monjee Aptitude Test |
NMD | Nuclear Missile Defence |
NMDC | National Mineral Development Corporation |
NMI | Non-Maskable Interrupt |
NMOG | Non-Methane Organic Gas |
NMS | Network Management System |
NNML | Net Non-Monetary Liabilities |
NNOC | National Network Operations Center |
NNP | Net National Production |
NOIDA | New Okhla Industrial Development Authority |
NOS | Network Operating System |
NOTA | None of the Above |
NPD | Net Primary Deficit |
NPDB | Number Portability Database |
NPF | Nagaland Peoples Front |
NPI | Nationalist Party of India |
NPL | National Physical Laboratory |
NPP | National Peoples Party |
NPR | National Population Register |
NPS | National Pensions Scheme |
NPT | (Nuclear) Non-Proliferation Treaty |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NRAI | National Rifle Association of India |
NRBI | National Rural Bank of India |
NRE | Non-Resident External |
NREGA | National Rural Employment Guarantee Act |
NREP | National Rural Employment Programme |
NRF | National Renewal Fund |
NRG | Non-Resident Government |
NRI | Non-Resident Indian |
NRLM | National Rural Livelihood Mission |
NRR | National Reproduction Rate |
NRSA | National Remote Sensing Agency |
NRSS | National Renewable Security Standard |
NSA | National Security Act |
NSC | National Service Corps; National Security Council |
NSDL | National Securities Depository Limited |
NSE | National Stock Exchange |
NSF | National Sports Federation |
NSG | National Security Guards |
NSI | Network Side Interface |
NSR | National Skills Registry |
NSSF | National Small Savings Fund |
NSSO | National Sample Survey Organization |
NSTSE | National-level Science Talent Search Examination |
NSUI | National Students’ Union of India |
NTG | Nitroglycerin |
NTLDR | New Technology Loader |
NTMVSA | National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act |
NTP | Network Time Protocol |
NTPC | National Thermal Power Corporation |
NTS | Near Term Storage |
NTSC | National Television Standards Committee |
NTSE | National Talent Search Examination |
NVLD | Natural Vacuum Leak Detection |
NVM | Non-Volatile Memory |
NVRAM | Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory |
NWDA | National Water Development Agency |
NWLINK | Netware Link |
NWRC | National Water Resources Council |
NYPD | National Youth Party Delhi |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange |
NZC | New-Zealand Cricket |