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Important Full Forms List P


Important Full Forms List P related to all categories like Academic and Science, Business, Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, Internet, Miscellaneous, Regional, Medical, Sports and International with hundreds of subcategories with described abbreviations with Full Forms list.

Important Full Forms List A To Z


Important Full Forms List P

P2VPhysical to Virtual
PAC Political Affairs Committee; Public Accounts Committee
PACER Programme for Acceleration of Commercial Energy Research
PACFPartial Auto-Correlation Function
PACSPrimary Agriculture Credit Societies
PADPacket Assembler and Disassembler
PALPhase Alternation Line
PAN Permanent Account Number (of Income-Tax)
PAPPassword Authentication Protocol
PATA Pacific-Asia Travel Association
PBGBPaschim Banga Gramin Bank
PBIAPersonal Broadband Industry Association
PBPPersonal Basis Profile
PBRPolicy Based Routing
PCPersonal Computer
PCAPunjab Cricket Association
PCCPolice Clearance Certificate
PCLPrinter Control Language
PCMCIAPeripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture
PCNPersonal Communications Network
PCODPolycystic Ovarian Disease
PCS Public Civil Service; Punjab Civil Service
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PDCPersonal Digital Cellular
PDOPublic Debt Office
PDPPlasma Display Panel (laptops)
PDSPublic Distribution System
PDSNPacket Data Switched Network
PDUProfessional Development Unit
PDWPolarization Dependent Wavelength
PERLPractical Extraction and Reporting Language
PESPublic Enterprises Survey
PESQPerceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality
PETPolyethylene Terephthalate
PFProvident Funds
PFMSPublic Financial Management System
PFRDAPension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
PGPaying Guest
PGA2Pin Grid Array 2
PGDMPost Graduate Diploma in Management
PGSPayment Gateway System
PGTPost Graduate Teacher
PHPotential of Hydrogen
Ph. DDoctor of Philosophy (Arts and Science)
PHDDoctor of Philosophy
PHSPayload Header Suppression
PIB Press Information Bureau
PINPersonal Identification Number
Pin Code Postal Index Number Code
PINEProgram for Internet News and Email
PIO Persons of Indian Origin
PISPortfolio Investment Scheme
PKCPublic Key Cryptography
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure
PLDProgrammable Logic Device
PLF Plant Load Factor
PLOPalestinian Liberation Organization
PLTPower-Line Telecommunications
PM Post Meridiem; after-noon; also Postmaster; Prime Minister; post-mortem (after death)
PMDPolarization Mode Dispersion
PMG Postmaster General
PMKPattali Makkal Katchi
PMPProject Management Professional
PMSPremenstrual Syndrome
PMTProgram Map Table
PN Participatory Note
PNEPeaceful Nuclear Exploration
PnPPlug ‘N Play
PNYPny Technology
PO Post Office; Postal Order
POAPower of Attorney
PODPoint of Deployment
POLICEProtection Of Life and Investigating Criminals Establishment
POMProject Office Manager
PONPassive Optical Network
POP3Post Office Protocol 3
POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants; Point of Purchase
POTA Prevention of Terrorism Act
POW Prisoner of War
PP Public Prosecutor; Particular Person
PPAPeoples Party of Arunachal
PPBPaytm Payments Bank
PPDPost-pickup Delay
PPDNPublic Packet Data Network
PPFPublic Provident Fund
PPIPixels Per Inch
PPIsPrepaid Payment Instruments
PPPoAPoint To Point Protocol Over ATM
PPPoEPoint To Point Protocol Over Ethernet
PPTPower Passing Tap
PQPqi Corporation
PRBPrimary Revenue Balance
PRBSPseudo-Random Binary Sequence
PRMPolarization Recovery Module
PRNGPseudo Random Number Generators
PRO Public Relations Officer
PROLOGPROgramming in LOGic
PROMProgrammable Read-Only Memory
PRSFPartial Risk Sharing Facility
PRTPRimary Teacher
PS Post Scriptum; Post Script; written after
PS/2Personal System/2 Connector
PSBPunjab and Sind Bank
PSC Public Service Commission
PSDPhoto-Shop Document
PSE Public Sector Enterprises
PSIPProgram and System Information Protocol
PSLV Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
PSQPacket Streaming Queue
PSQMPerceptual Speech Quality Measurement
PSUPower Supply Unit
PTA Preferential Trade Area
PTCPass Through Certificate
PTI Press Trust of India
PTO Please Turn Over; Privilege Ticket Order
PTSProgram Transport Stream
PTSDPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PUBGPublic Works Department
PUFA Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids
PUKPIN Unblocking Key
PVCPoly Vinyl Chloride
PVRPriya Village Roadshow
PVSM Param Vishisht Sewa Medal
PWD Public Works Department
PXEPreboot Execution Environment
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