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How To Write Your First Blog Post [The Post Writing Guide]

Write Your First Blog Post

Finally, you have successfully set up your blog. You are done with your domain and hosting, and you have already chosen a clean and eye-catching theme for your blog. Now the question is, what will be your first post?

While writing your first blog post, make sure that the first impression does not go wrong. Here, I will share some tips so that you can write a fantastic first post on your blog.

Be Realistic

Most small business owners want everything to be perfect. But I should say that nothing is perfect on this earth. If you are new and want to create a blog, I would recommend that you be realistic.

Blog posts are a way of communicating with your viewers. It does not matter if any of your blog posts go wrong. None of your audience members will charge you or sue you for that.

“A blog is a place where you can share your thoughts and views that might be helpful for your audience.”

You don’t need to know everything about your niche. It’s better to have some knowledge to start with. Learning is a never-ending process. Nobody knows everything. You will gradually learn; don’t worry.

I prefer to relax and be realistic. Don’t set any goals that are impossible to achieve.

Your first blog post should be short and sweet

woman writing on a notebook beside teacup and tablet computer
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on Pexels.com

As I have said several times, a blog is not a novel. It is a way of communicating with your audience. It should be friendly and simple. Highlight your key points so that your audience will understand what you are trying to say in your post.

Your post should be a couple of paragraphs that contain valuable information for your readers. It can be written in ten to twenty minutes. Don’t stretch your contents. It might make your readers feel bored.

If you are writing content on a broad topic, make sure you include headlines and sub-headlines in your content. It will increase the content’s readability. Or, you can break it down and create a step-by-step guideline post.

Tell a story that solves a problem

While writing a blog, I always follow a simple trick. When I discuss a common issue, I start my content by telling a story and end up with the solution to that problem. Many famous bloggers also follow the same trick.

This formula will help your readers spend more time on your page because it is not something that can make them feel bored.

So, my recommendation is to look for the problems that your readers are facing. Share a story with them and solve them with your blog. It will help you make readers want to revisit your website.

Proofreading is important!

While you are posting your first blog post, make sure that you have finished proofreading. It is the golden rule of blogging. Not only in your first post, but always make sure that you have edited and proofread your contents carefully. If necessary, do it more than once.

A post that has been written with grammatical mistakes looks very unprofessional. Not only that, but it can make your readers disappointed. Always make sure that you have done your proofreading at least twice before publishing your post.

I will share a trick with you all. Let’s say you have already written a post. Don’t publish it immediately. Take a break for a few hours. Then come back and reread it. Do the final edits and then publish it.

Include Images, Videos, and Interactive Content

If you write long content, it might be informative, but it can make your audience bored. Why? If you are reading 3000 words of content on a website or a blog, it might make you feel monotonous. But if you include some images or videos inside your content or write content in a conversational tone, it will make your content more interactive. It will help you engage more with your readers.


Take your time before starting your first blog. Take a deep breath, think, and then start writing. As a newbie, it is essential to spend more time to make sure that you are writing something interactive and valuable to your audience.

Write something creative so that people can spend hours on your blog. The opportunity to grab your audience will be your first post. If it is click-worthy, you will be able to grow it more in the future. Don’t do anything in a hurry. Try to go slow and steady. You will succeed.

Ashok Chandra
Ashok Chandra
Hi, I am Ashok Chandra a Blogger by passion from Delhi. During the past 3 years of professional writing, I am writing on the following topics: Blogging, Google AdSense, How To Tutorial, Technology, Tips & Tricks & much more.


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