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HomeFULL FORMS A TO ZImportant Full Forms List C

Important Full Forms List C

Important Full Forms List C related to all categories like Academic and Science, Business, Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, Internet, Miscellaneous, Regional, Medical, Sports and International with hundreds of subcategories with described abbreviations with Full Forms list.

Important Full Forms List A To Z

Important Full Forms List C

Important Full Forms List C

C & AG Comptroller & Auditor General
CAChartered Accountant
CAACitizenship Amendment Act
CABE Central Advisory Board of Education
CABGCoronary Artery Bypass Graft
CACCall Admission Control
CACPCommission of Agriculture Cost and Price
CADComputer Aided Design
CAEComputer–Aided Engineering
CAGComptroller and Auditor General of India
CAGRCompound Annual Growth Rate
CAIComputer–Aided Instruction
CAIIBCertified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers
CAIR Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
CALComputer Aided Leering
CALEACommunications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
CAMComputer Aided Manufacturing
CAMELSCapital Assets Management Earnings Liquidity Systems
CAMMComputer Aided Manufacturing Measurement
CAMSComputerized Automotive Maintenance System
CAOChief Accounting Officer
CAPCompetitive Access Provider
CAPART Council for People’s Action and Advancement of Rural Technology
CAPES Computer-Aided Paperless Examination System
CAPEXCapital Expenditures
CAPFCentral Armed Police Forces
CAQAComputer–Aided Quality Assurance
CARCapital Adequacy Ratio
CARBCalifornia Air Resources Board
CARECredit Analysis & Research
CAS Chief of Army Staff; Chief of Air Staff; Conditional Access System
CASACurrent And Savings Accounts
CATCommon Admission Test
CATVCommunity Antenna Television
CB Citizen Band (Radio)
CBCComplete Blood Count
CBDConvention on Biological Diversity
CBDTCentral Board of Direct Taxes
CBECCentral Board of Excise and Customs
CBFC Central Board of Film Certification
CBI Central Bureau of Investigation
CBLOCollateralized Bank Lending Obligations
CBRConstant Bit Rate
CBSCore Banking Solution
CBSECentral Board of Secondary Education
CBTComputer Based Testing (or Training)
CBWChemical and Biological Weapons
CCCash Credit
CCACity Compensatory Allowance
CCBCentral Co-operative Bank
CCDCharged Coupled Device
CCDFComplementary Cumulative Distribution Function
CCEContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
CCEACabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
CCILClearing Corporation of India limited
CCKComplimentary Code Keying
CCMConstant Coding and Modulation
CCNACisco Certified Network Associate
CCOConverter Clutch Override
CCOTCycling Clutch Orifice Tube
CCPClimate Control Panel
CCPA Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs
CCSCentum Call Seconds
CCTVClosed Circuit Television
CDCompact Disk
CD ROMCompact Disk-Read Only Memory
CDAC The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
CDBCaribbean Development Bank
CDBSCommittee of Direction on Banking Statistics
CDCConnected Device Configuration
CDFSCompact Disc File System
CDICapacitor Discharge Ignition
CDMClean Development Mechanism
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CDRLCentral Drug Research Institute
CD-ROMCompact Disk – Read Only Memory
CDRWCompact Disk ReWriter
CDSCredit Default Swap
CDSECombined Defence Services Examination
CDSLCentral Depository Services Limited
CEAConsumer Electronics Association
CECA Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
CEEDCommon Entrance Examination for Design
CEOChief Executive Officer
CEPCable Entry Point
CEPAComprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
CERCodeword Error Ratio
CERN European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Pronounced CERN in French)
CESCircuit Emulation Service
CETCommon Entrance Test
CFAChartered Financial Analyst
CFC Chlorofluro Carbon
CFLCompact fluorescent lamp
CFMLCold Fusion Markup Language
CFOChief Financial Officer
CFRACombined Finance and Revenue Accounts
CFRICentral Fuel Research Institute
CFS Container Freight Station
CFTComplement Fixation Test
CFTRICentral Food Technological Research Institute
CGAColor Graphics Array
CGIComputer Generated Imagery
CGLCombined Graduate Level
CGPACumulative Grade Point Average
CGRACurrency and Gold Revaluation Account
CGSACellular Geographic Service Areas
CHFCongestive Heart Failure
CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
CI. EngCompression Ignition Engine
CIA Central Intelligence Agency (of U.S.A.)
CIBIL Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd
CIC Chief Information Commissioner
CIDCrime Investigation Department
cif cost, insurance and freight
CIFECentral Institute of Fisheries Education
CIFSCommon Internet File System
CIIConfederation of Indian Industry
CIMCommon Information Model
CinC Commander-in-Chief
CIRCommitted Information Rate
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CISACertified Information Systems Auditor
CISFCentral Industrial Security Force
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
CITU Centre of Indian Trade Unions
CLASS Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools
CLATCommon Law Admission Test
CLAWS Centre for Land Warfare Studies
CLDCConnection Limited Device Configuration
CLECustomer Located Equipment
CLECCompetitive Local Exchange Carrier
CLICommand Line Interface
CLRCommon Language Run-time
CLVConsumer Lifetime Value
CM Command Module; Chief Minister
CMACredit Monitoring Analysis
CMATCommon Management Admission Test
CMCComputer Maintenance Corporation
CMFICentral Multi-port Fuel Injection
CMISCurrency Management Information System
CMLChronic Myelogenous Leukemia
CMLAContent Management License Administrator
CMOChief Medical Officer
CMP Common Minimum Programme
CMPKSCCommunist Marxist Party Kerala State Committee
CMSECombined Medical Services Examination
CMTSCable Modem Termination System
CNCComputerized Numerical Control
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
CNN Cable News Network
CNRCommunication Network Riser
CNS Chief of the Naval Staff
CO Commanding Officer
COBClose of Business
COBOLCommon Business Oriented Language
COCAControl of Organized Crime Act
COD Central Ordnance Depot; Cash on Delivery
COLDCentral Office Layout Design
COM1Communication Port 1
COMEDKConsortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka
COOChief Operating Officer
COPDChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPSCommon Open Policy Service
CORBACommon Object Request Broker Architecture
CORSCross-Origin Resource Sharing
COTCentral Office Terminal
COVID 19Corona Virus disease of 2019
CPACertified Public Accountant
CPCBCentral Pollution Control Board
CPCRICentral Plantation Crops Research Institute
CPDCommon Path Distortion
CPFFCommercial Paper Funding Facility
CPFICentral Port Fuel Injection
CPI Communist Party of India
CPI(M) Communist Party of India (Marxists)
CPIMCommunist Party of India (Marxist)
CPMCost per Mile
CPPCertified Payroll Professional
CPRCardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
CPRICentral Power Research Institute
CPTCommon Proficiency Test
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CPWDCentral Public Works Department
CR Central Railway
CRAContention Resolution Algorithm
CRAC Cyber Regulation Advisory Council
CRARCapital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
CRDECommon Rail Diesel Engine
CRDi Common Rail Direct injection
CRFICommon Rail Fuel Injection
CRILCCentral Repository of Information on Large Credits
CRISILCredit Rating Information Services of India Limited
CRLCertificate Revocation List
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CRMDCredit Risk Management Department
CRPC-reactive protein
CRPF Central Reserve Police Force
CRRCash Reserve Ratio
CRSComputer Reservation System
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CSCompany Secretary & Computer Science
CSBCatholic Syrian Bank
CSCCommon Service Centre
CSCFCall State Control Function
CSFICentral Sequential Fuel Injection
CSICommon System Interface
CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSMACarrier Sense Multiple Access
CSPContent Security Policy
CSRFCross-Site Request Forgery
CSTCCalcutta State Transport Corporation
CSVComma Separated Value
CTAMCable and Telecommunications Association for Marketing
CTBComposite Triple Beat
CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CTCCost To Company
CTCPClient–to–Client Protocol
CTICountry Threat Index
CTIACellular Telecommunications and Internet Association
CTLComputation Tree Logic
CTRCathode Ray Tube
CTT Commodities Transaction Tax
CTXCTX Technology Corporation
CUControl Unit
CUACommon User Access
CUBCity Union Bank
CVACerebral Vascular Accident or Cerebrovascular Accident
CVCCentral Vigilance Commission
CVNCalibration Verification Number
CVRDE Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment
CVSSCommon Vulnerability Scoring System
CVTContinuously Variable Transmission
CVTICharged-motion Variable Time Ignition
CWDMCoarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
CWECommon Weakness Enumeration
CWMCommon Warehouse Metamodel
CWSContinental Wheel System
Ashok Chandra
Ashok Chandra
Hi, I am Ashok Chandra a Blogger by passion from Delhi. During the past 3 years of professional writing, I am writing on the following topics: Blogging, Google AdSense, How To Tutorial, Technology, Tips & Tricks & much more.


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